You're a great candidate for

Treble Care

Doctors Talking About Tinnitus 11
Your results suggest that tinnitus has a significant impact on your life and well-being, which means working with a tinnitus expert can help.

At Treble Health, we've worked with over 2,000 people with tinnitus and 76% see improvement within three months. Treble Health can help you manage your tinnitus and get back to feeling like your true self.

Schedule A FREE Consultation

Clinically proven results


percent of patients reported reduced tinnitus.*


percent of patients showed reduced tinnitus impact in three core areas.*


of patients can have their initial video visit within 24 hours

*This data comes from our 2024 results using the Tinnitus Functional Index (TFI). First graphic refers to a clinically significant reduction of tinnitus at least 13 points on the TFI, when measured 12 months after they started working with Treble Health, out of 47 patients. Middle graphic refers to a reduction of at least 5 points on 3 or more TFI sub-scales, out of 186 patients, when measured 6 months after they started working with Treble Health. Core areas include of intrusiveness, sense of control, cognitive interference, sleep disturbance, auditory difficulties, relaxation interference, quality of life, and emotional distress.

Hope For Tinnitus

Tinnitus Patient Testimonial Image

“Treble Health gave me hope for my tinnitus when no one else could. My medical provider told me there was no cure and gave me some pills. But Treble Health provided expert counseling and therapy. Their methods provided great relief and gave me back my life.”

Randy S. (Airplane Pilot)