Should You Stay Away From Alcohol If You Have Tinnitus?

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man drinking beer

If you have tinnitus, you may have come across information that encourages avoiding excessive alcohol consumption, or drinking alcohol altogether. Is this true? Should people with tinnitus avoid drinking alcohol to avoid alcohol induced hearing loss and subsequent tinnitus development? The answer will likely surprise you. 

Tinnitus and Alcohol: Potential Links

Alcohol has been reported to worsen tinnitus in some people, but not in all. A study of 100 tinnitus patients showed mixed results, with 22% saying that drinking worsened their tinnitus, 16% saying that it helped to improve their tinnitus, and 62% reporting no effect at all. The study also noted that when tinnitus patients realized alcohol improved their tinnitus, they tended to start drinking significantly more.

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"As a recent graduate who’s achieved stage four habituation, I cannot thank Treble Health enough for getting me to the finish line."
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It is important to note several definitions about alcohol consumption within these types of studies, however, as not all definitions of consuming alcohol are the same. This particular study identified drinking alcohol in the following ways:

  • A drink is defined as 12 oz of beer, 5 oz of wine, or 1.5 oz of liquor
  • Light drinking is up to 1 drink a day for women and up to 2 for men
  • Moderate drinking is 2 drink a day for women and 3 for men
  • Heavy drinking is 3+ drinks a day for women and 4+ for men
  • Binge drinking is 4+ drinks at one sitting for women and 5+ for men
Dr. Ben Thompson, AuD, explores the connection between alcohol and tinnitus.

As you can see, the manner in which alcohol is consumed matters when looking at potential links to tinnitus. Hearing health and alcohol are not inextricably entwined; instead, there is some nuance involved, including the unique reasons behind tinnitus development and a tinnitus patient’s general health.

Alcohol And Blood Flow

Person taking their blood pressure

Alcohol is known to raise blood pressure, which may temporarily increase perception of tinnitus. While the evidence isn’t clear about the specific details as to why, there does appear to be a correlation. While this is usually temporary with light to moderate consumption of alcohol, increased blood pressure can lead to changes to circulation in the inner ear. When drinking heavily, cutting back to moderate drinking instead can improve blood flow. Alcohol also has calories and weight gain is a risk factor for high blood pressure. 

Although intermittent raises in blood pressure is not the same as hypertension, we know that hypertension is a risk factor for increased tinnitus perception. This is due to the increased pressure on the blood vessel walls and decreased oxygen rich blood reaching the delicate inner ear structures. This extended damage caused by hypertension is known to relate to increased risk of tinnitus, so it is reasonable to suspect that even short increases in blood pressure, as those related to alcohol consumption, could be the culprit for a temporary increased perception in tinnitus awareness as well.

When Tinnitus and Alcohol Can Mix

Some people find that alcohol and tinnitus do mix well, and hearing health does not diminish when drinking alcohol. Light to moderate alcohol consumption can potentially reduce stress and increase quality of life in other ways. The reduction of stress and other mental health benefits can reduce the effect that tinnitus may have on you. Of course, there are also many natural ways to reduce stress to help your tinnitus, including meditation, exercise, humor and recreation, CBT, sound maskers, and more, and alcohol should not be relied upon as a treatment tool. If you find yourself wanting to drink alcohol to improve your mood or disposition, it may be more important to stop drinking alcohol and seek out alternative means of improving mood and self-regulation skills.

Can Alcohol Cause Chronic Tinnitus?

Now that we know how alcohol can affect tinnitus, it raises another question: can alcohol cause chronic tinnitus? There is no real evidence that consuming alcohol can do so. 

A systematic review of 11 studies found that overall, research does not show that alcohol and tinnitus are linked, or that alcohol can cause persistent tinnitus. Both permanent tinnitus and intermittent phantom sounds can interact differently with alcohol intake. Some studies have actually found that light to moderate alcohol consumption was associated with a reduced risk of developing tinnitus in certain people. This study examined those who had at least moderate tinnitus or tinnitus that kept them from falling asleep. Hearing loss, having a loud job or history of head injuries, and depression were all risk factors showing far more correlation to tinnitus onset than excessive drinking.

Person taking various medications

Interestingly, use of medicine for depression was related to slightly higher likelihood of having tinnitus, while the use of anti-anxiety medications was not. It is not clear whether the use of medications was related to causes of tinnitus, or if tinnitus may lead to use of these medications. While it is known that some medications are ototoxic, or damaging to hearing health (due to damages to the delicate inner ear structures), it does not necessarily mean that anyone on medication for depression will show symptoms of hearing loss or tinnitus.

Can Alcohol Help Tinnitus?

No, the research doesn’t mean that alcohol itself can prevent tinnitus. In fact, the study noted that having had alcohol within the last year was related to lower likelihood of also having tinnitus for women, but not for men. Answers aren’t clear as to why this may be, making it impossible to truly suggest that alcohol interferes with tinnitus treatment or onset.  

It has also been reported that light to moderate daily alcohol consumption has been shown to have cardiovascular (heart and blood vessels) benefits, which may help cardiovascular health in the cochlea (a hearing structure in the inner ear) and reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular disease. Light alcohol consumption has been shown to help with insulin sensitivity and cholesterol, too, which can directly help the cochlea. This amount of alcohol has also been shown to help prevent hearing impairment, which could prevent tinnitus, as well. 

One to two drinks daily has been associated with reduced death rate overall in people, as well as fewer heart attacks, heart failure, diabetes, and stroke. It may also reduce the risk of hearing impairment. Two or more drinks a day, conversely, have many negative health effects. We will take a closer look at those effects below.

Should You Avoid Alcohol If You Have Tinnitus? 

Can alcohol make tinnitus worse or cause tinnitus? You do not need to avoid drinking up to a moderate amount of alcohol to prevent chronic tinnitus. Of course, you should consult with a doctor and follow their advice if they recommend you avoid alcohol for your general health or your tinnitus specifically. Here is the good news, though: alcohol is not necessarily going to harm your tinnitus or increase negative health symptoms in generally healthy populations. 

Alcohol and Other Health Concerns

You should keep in mind that heavy alcohol drinking can cause continued health problems like high blood pressure. Hearing loss is not the only possible detrimental effect of drinking alcoholic beverages. Hearing loss does bear a correlation to chronic tinnitus. Avoiding heavy alcohol consumption is recommended across the medical field for this reason and more.

Heavy alcohol drinking can cause stroke, heart disease, liver disease, numerous cancers, and death. You can be more likely to get certain diseases like pneumonia and pancreatitis, as well. Alcohol can lower your immune system for up to 24 hours after drinking. Alcohol abuse, or excessive consumption of alcohol leads to many of these issues, including, potentially, damage to the auditory cortex within the brain as a result of decreased health in other bodily systems.

Tinnitus and Alcohol

Now that you know how alcohol could either harm or improve your tinnitus symptoms, as well as other parts of the body, you can choose how you want to use that information. If you do feel that alcohol helps your symptoms, that is a valid feeling. It can lead to a more relaxed state and being relaxed benefits your tinnitus. That being said, however, too many late night bar visits, or alcoholic drinks can actually eventually harm the auditory cortex or the whole auditory system, so alcohol should be consumed with care. Just remember, moderation is key.

Overall, alcohol does not appear to directly cause tinnitus, but still has the potential to affect it. If you enjoy drinking moderately, you can continue to do so, as long as you are watching out for any potential health concerns that may arise.  If, however, alcohol is causing health issues and you’re looking for an alternative way to relax for your tinnitus, there are other good coping strategies that can be used, many of them as simple as walking, journaling, or engaging in a daily exercise practice.

Reduce Your Tinnitus With Treble Health

The audiologists at Treble Health recognize the varied and complex history between lifestyle, overall health, and tinnitus development. If you are experiencing problematic signs of tinnitus, or are experiencing some degree of distress as a result of your tinnitus symptoms, reach out to Treble Health today for a complimentary telehealth consultation. During this 20-minute Zoom consultation, you will receive personalized suggestions regarding your unique situation, answers to all of your questions, and a deep dive into your own history and signs of tinnitus. Schedule today to take charge of your hearing health and move toward improving your symptoms.

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